Human translations with examples: ir a, a lot, we can, podemos, podramos, nosotros, lil romeo. I hope we can collaborate again in the future, com bining my work for Die Stadt studio albums, live performances and works. Contextual translation of 'hopefully we can visit' into Spanish. Commercial reproduction, distribution or transmission of any part or parts of this website or any information contained therein by any means whatsoever without the prior written permission of the Club is not permitted. confiam os en mantener esta colaboración en futuros eventos. They don't use 'Hopefully' when talking about something that's impossible. People use 'Hopefully ' to talk about things that they think are probable or likely. Hopefully we can find a way of solving this problem.

You can also use it when you hope that something doesn't happen: Hopefully we won't have any more problems this week. hopefully meaning, definition, what is hopefully: a way of saying what you hope will happe. This website is the only official website of the New England Patriots and is © Copyright New England Patriots (the "Club"). Hopefully my package will arrive in the next day or two. High quality example sentences with hopefully we can in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write.